New Britain Township, Bucks County, PA, is seeking a highly responsible and organized person to join the Township’s team as the Zoning Officer. This position reports directly to the Township Manager and partners closely with a five (5) member Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, department heads, administrative staff, consultants, attorneys, and the public. The position is responsible for the overall administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinance, the Township’s current and long-range planning functions including land development, property maintenance, zoning, open space preservation, and respective administrative duties. The Zoning Office is the staff coordinator for the Township Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, and the Environmental Advisory Committee. Work involves technical and administrative duties managing staff dedicated to the planning, zoning, and building codes processes. This position coordinates closely with the appointed Township Engineer.
Qualified candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree in engineering, Planning, Urban Studies, Geography, or a related field with a minimum of three (3) years’ experience working in an increasingly responsible Zoning position in municipal government.
Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications; with excellent employer-paid benefits. Applicants are required to successfully complete a background check. Please visit to learn more about New Britain Township and to review the Job Description for this position.
Applicants must email a cover letter, resume, and professional references in one attachment to by noon on February 28, 2025.
The Zoning Officer is a highly responsible position that reports directly to the Township Manager and partners closely with a five (5) member Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, department heads, administrative staff, consultants, attorneys, and the public. This position is responsible for the overall administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinance, the Township’s current and long-range planning functions including land development, property maintenance, zoning, open space preservation, and respective administrative duties. The Zoning Officer is the staff coordinator for the Township Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, and the Environmental Advisory Council. Work involves coordination with the Township’s Building Code Official, Permits Clerk, and Use & Occupancy Inspector/Building Maintenance. This position coordinates closely with the appointed Township Engineer.
Examples of Work – This is not an exclusive list but merely a few examples:
Responsible for the overall administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinance and the subdivision and land development ordinance.
Administers the Zoning application process, completes all Zoning reviews in a timely manner. Forwards approved zoning applications to the Building Code Official as needed for their review. Works closely with the Building Code Officer to ensure timely review of building permit applications.
Administers the Subdivision and Land Development (SALDO) plan application process. Completes required administrative tasks, including review of subdivision and land development applications for compliance and completeness, initiates Contract for Professional Services Agreements, forwards applications to appropriate agencies and professionals for review, maintains MPC time clock, maintains records in the property management software, processes construction escrow releases with the Township Engineer and answers inquiry calls as needed.
Provide all necessary documentation with the Zoning Hearing Board for appeals of zoning permit denials. Ensure that all advertisements, notifications and postings are made in compliance with legal requirements.
Assists Township residents and general public with questions and concerns regarding ordinances and permit process. Forwards all violations of Township maintenance codes and ordinances to the Code Enforcement Official (CEO). Follows up on enforcement complaints.
Investigate alleged violations of Township Ordinances and advise landowners/applicants of necessary corrective measures. Keeps inventory of said violations including dated photographs and/or other evidence, including updates of same to records management system.
Investigates complaints, makes reports of field inspections, and may consult with the Township’s Solicitor and plaintiff in prosecution of code violators.
Prepares, publishes, posts, sends, and/or delivers public notes for meetings and zoning hearings as required by the MPC.
Prepares Zoning Hearing Board agendas, narratives, and meeting packets. Represents Township at evening Zoning Hearing Board hearings. Inform applicants of Board decisions. Coordinates with Township Manager for any Board-related agenda items.
Prepares agendas and meeting packets and regularly attends evening Planning Commission meetings. Responsible for follow-up work. Prepares and distributes meeting minutes, as necessary.
Manages the inventory of all Township-related open space preservation. Identifies best management practices related to securing, maintaining, and enforcing existing preserved spaces. Acts as the staff coordinator to the Township’s Environmental Advisory Council by preparing agendas, minutes, and any other support needed.
Manages support staff who are responsible for maintaining the plan approval book, maintaining all pertinent development-related Agreements.
Answer incoming telephone calls in a courteous manner, assist residents with service requests and assists Right to Know Officer with requests as needed.
Type correspondence, reports and/or permits, etc. as needed.
Administers and follows procedures and policies established for the Township.
Performs other related duties as required.
Essential Functions:
Ability to use technology in an effective and efficient manner to increase accessibility and organization of Township property files.
Ability to manage a small department including managing the annual department budget.
To maintain a positive public service attitude at all times.
Ability to pay close attention to details and have excellent organizational skills.
Ability to prioritize and schedule/assign workload appropriately to meet deadlines.
To be punctual and maintain regular attendance at work.
Ability to work independently with little supervision.
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, township residents, the general public, etc.
Ability to courteously answer resident questions or address resident concerns.
To advertise Township meetings as required by the Second-Class Township Code.
To attend evening meetings and record minutes as required.
To effectively follow MPC regulations for subdivision and land development time clocks.
To maintain accurate developer files.
To keep Township Manager informed of zoning, planning, land preservation and other pertinent issues.
Job requires the physical ability to do the following:
To see and hear. To function in activities involving walking, bending, reaching, climbing stairs and driving a vehicle. To sit, stand, and walk from one place to another.
To lift and carry up to 15 lbs.
To speak and write English fluently.
Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:
Ability to think spatially by reading, analyzing and interpreting maps, development plans, etc.
Ability to prioritize work and solve problems and communicate effectively with the Township Manager.
Ability to write with clarity to carry on basic communications with permit applicants, related governmental agencies, etc.
Ability to read legal descriptions and similar pertinent documents to zoning administration.
General knowledge of construction and construction terms as appropriate to zoning reviews.
Experience using word processing and spreadsheet software.
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Planning, Urban Studies, Geography, or related field with three (3) years related experience and/or training in Planning and Zoning at the municipal level.
Use of Microsoft Office365; GIS experience, preferably with ESRI GIS products.